Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gill's Wedding

Hi Mom,

Gillian got married yesterday! It was up in Milford--a nice service, a lovely luncheon, and then glow in the dark mini-golf at Fountain Walk. If you haven't tried it, it's great fun. Novi has decided to take on laser tag's former reign over black lighting at the Putting Edge, where for about ten bucks, you (wearing white), the ball and the scenery all light up.

It was awesome to see everyone again, both in fancy form (for the wedding) and glow-mode later on.

I stayed up until almost 4 a.m. in a hotel room where those of us from out of town had gathered to play a familiar hand or ten of Euchre. It was a very quality mini-reunion.


PS I stole this picture from Katie Weber. It was better than the one I took. Thanks, Katie!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you had fun, Karen. It sounds like a fantastic time.

