Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hi Mom,

Pinkberry is invading. So is Red Mango. TCBY, my old Orchard Mall standby, is not apparently trendy enough for New York City. And so, we have five dollar fro-yo.

It's tasty. The stores are futuristic-looking. And topping-wise, I've traded frozen gummy bears for mochi bites. These places tout fresh fruit, throwback cereals (Capt'n Crunch and Fruity Pebbles) and fancy pomegranate seeds. But aside from the trendy, show-people-this-place factor, would I be better off at the Mister Softee truck?

Hard to say. But I'll tell you what, as they drizzled pomegranate juice on my mango/blueberry/raspberry covered concoction, I thought, this is some fancy ice cream.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    We have it here at Plum Market, and it's called "Swirlberry." (I recognized the little swirl trademark on the cup). I usually get the's fruity and refreshing. For custard, though, Anderson's just wins hands down.

