Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tag, part two

Hi Mom,

Tag update: attended the conference with my jacket, security tag and all. I draped it over my arm, folded so nobody would know I would beep at most major department stores. My outfit looked complete--I just never put the jacket on.

As for actually solving the problem, I went to four nearby stores to see if they'd remove it for me. Turns out anti-theft policies are a big deal around here, so even IF the store doesn't carry the brand, it is thoughtfully unwilling to remove the tag, as the garment may have been lifted elsewhere. I could not elicit enough sympathy to get them to budge on this one. Next up, shady-esque places in Brooklyn. And/or a pair of pliers.


1 comment:

  1. How totally frustrating! There must be a way to get that tag off... try Googling it. :)

