Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sustainability and other things green

Hi Mom,

The room was jam packed with Albanians, Latvians, Belgians, and I’m not even sure who else. It was rather crowded, especially for a multi-hour presentation on global warming and sustainability. We took up all the tables, ate up all their hummus, and drank up all their wine.

The event was a chance to hear about how New York’s lights and lives would be affected if we didn’t do our part to keep an eye on the environment. The presenters, a director from Columbia’s urban energy program, and a mayor’s office planning guy, explained how if we keep straining resources, at some point the lights will dim because there won’t be enough energy to keep this place running. And that was just the beginning.

Lots of people there seemed to know each other, I met a few interesting new folks; an educational time was had by all. Guess there's a lot of people talking about saving this fair city.


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