Wednesday, June 3, 2009

30 minutes, walking briskly

Hi Mom,

I saw my old roommates the other day, the Brooklyn crew from when I lived out near Coney Island. It remains a great apartment--my old room looks even better now, they fixed it up and unlike my minimalist approach, decorated. It's still too far to get me to work on time. Or that just could have been me dismembering the alarm clock and waking up late. Hard to say.

These days I walk to work. It's a little over a mile and a half and winds me through Times Square, Herald Square and down to Union Square, where I can stop by the farmer's market for some fresh cider and snacks. 

I try to vary the route to see what's going on in the city. Going the fastest way though, or what I've until now perceived to be the fastest way, I can watch them setting up the chairs in Times Square, check out the windows in Macy's down by Herald Square, and watch gobs of locals hit up Starbucks amidst confused, map-bearing tourist throngs. 

Other streets are less picturesque but also a lot of fun. One sells wholesale jewelry for about six blocks, big costume pieces you can't buy individually but can sometimes sneak in to admire in their plastic wonder. Another is just knockoff perfumes and non-name brand t-shirts, storefronts blank due to today's economy and large red going-out-of-business signs. 

Every time I make the walk downtown I notice something new. It's a nice way to start the day. Speaking of which, I should probably go do that. Have a great Wednesday!


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