Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

Hi Mom,

Not sure if you recall, but I researched Michael Jackson when I was in fourth or fifth grade.

It was Black History Month and I had picked him as my subject. I read all about his family, his fame, and Captain EO (remember the Disney World EO thing?). They put our reports on some kind of swanky backgrounds and put them around the room for parent-teacher conferences.

I remember being impressed by how many siblings he had, plus all the stuff he had done as a kid. I'm not sure how I picked him, but I distinctly remember sitting on my floor with a stack of books and articles about the guy.

Coffee shops full of people in New York seem to be talking about his death. Last night everyone was buzzing about the vigil at the Apollo, and there seem to be rumors of more related events this weekend. If there are, they'll be competing with Pride and the BAM film shorts festival also taking the city by storm. Never a lack of things to do around here.

Hope the weather's good back home, and Happy Friday.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen,

    The whole world is talking about Michael Jackson...he was such a musical legend. I do remember watching him on that big screen at Disney. There are so many tragic threads in his life story.
    It sounds like there will be lots of interesting events to choose from this weekend, and I hope you enjoy yourself.
